The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) seeks competitive bids and quotations for the cost-effective and efficient purchase of goods and service, under the direction of the Washtenaw County Board of County Road Commissioners. WCRC is responsible for the procurement of goods and services that meet the quality levels required to provide safe and convenient roads for the traveling public in Washtenaw County. Click here for WCRC’s Procurement Policy.

Goods and Services

WCRC has partnered with BidNet as part of the MITN Purchasing Group to post bid opportunities for goods and services.  As a vendor, you can register with the MITN Purchasing Group to see all available bids and opportunities. By selecting automatic bid notification during the registration process, your company will receive emails once WCRC has a bid opportunity that matches your company’s business. In addition, the site handles bid opportunities, RFPs, and RFQs for other member governmental agencies throughout Michigan.

If you need help registering, please call the MITN Purchasing Group support department toll free 1-800-835-4603 option #2.

Examples: mowing services, janitorial services, materials


WCRC has partnered with BidExpress to post solicitations on the BidExpress website for all construction projects bid locally. As a vendor, you can register with BidExpress to view all available bid opportunities. For construction projects utilizing state and federal funds, WCRC is required to advertise projects through the Michigan Department of Transportation bidding website.

Examples: pavement markings, road reconstruction

Professional Services

Periodically WCRC hires consultants for professional services to assist with the design and/or construction of road projects. See the “Recent Advertisements” below for the current Requests for Proposals (RFPs). Questions? Contact Brent Schlack, director of engineering, [email protected] or (734) 327-6670.

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