The Washtenaw County Road Commission maintains 1,650 miles of public roads in Washtenaw County. All primary and local public roads located outside the cities and villages are maintained by WCRC crews, who provide services such as dust control, snow removal, sign repair and a variety of other services.

To report an issue, please use the online form on the right or download the “WCRC Fix It” app for iPhone and Android.

If you are reporting a road emergency, please contact WCRC directly at (734) 761-1500.


WCRC is responsible for maintaining 771 miles of unpaved roads. Most unpaved road maintenance occurs during the summer and fall. Maintenance efforts last longest when conditions are dry and warm. Frozen roads are too hard and cannot be graded.  In the spring, roads thaw and become saturated with moisture. Aggressive maintenance during the spring thawing period they can make muddy conditions worse. For more about unpaved roads, visit our FAQ.


A pothole is typically fixed by cleaning out the loose debris and filling it with hot or cold asphalt patch. If you are reporting a pothole that you view as an emergency or potentially harmful, please contact WCRC immediately at (734) 761-1500. For more about potholes, visit our FAQ.

Dust Control

During the dry summer and fall months, usually May to October, crews stabilize gravel roads by applying brine (a salt/water mixture) to the road surface.  The application of brine decreases dust and attracts the right amount of moisture to help keep the road together. Primary county roads receive three brine applications per season. The number of brine applications on local roads is determined and paid for each year by each individual township.

Dust control, as with all unpaved road maintenance is weather-dependent, therefore WCRC does not have a firm maintenance schedule available.

WCRC offers a private order dust control option for residents who wish to order and pay for additional brine applications on public county roads (primary or local). To place a private dust control order or receive additional information on the program please view the description below or call (734) 761-1500.

Private Order Dust Control

At the request of a resident, WCRC will apply private order dust control on public roads for a nominal fee. Residents may submit a request online and mail a check to 555 N. Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103.

If more than one resident on the same road segment is interested in private order dust control, residents may collectively place an order.  This scenario works particularly well for adjoining properties.  In such cases, the WCRC requests a single check from one of the participating residents.

2024 Fee Schedule: 

  • Minimum order of 300 feet:  $255.21
  • Each additional 100 feet:  $11.45

Orders received by noon on Tuesday will typically be scheduled for the following Thursday.  However, weather and crew availability may alter the application date. A private order dust control includes both a road grading and brine application.

WCRC cannot guarantee that any private order for dust control will not conflict with grading, dust control or other work in connection with township agreements.

Snow & Ice Removal

WCRC clears over 1,649 miles of county roads based on a priority system that starts with highways and paved county roads, followed by subdivision and gravel roads.

Long or back-to-back storms may delay WCRC’s response time on subdivision and unpaved roads. It is the responsibility of the homeowners and business owners to clear snow from their driveways and sidewalks. To learn more about WCRC’s winter maintenance activities, visit our FAQ.

Animal in the Roadway

WCRC only removes large animals, such as deer, from the roadway when the remains pose a safety concern. Crews will pull animal remains far enough off the road as not to interfere with travel. WCRC does not have the resources to completely remove and dispose of animal remains located in the road right-of-way.

Traffic Signal Repairs

WCRC maintains approximately 200 traffic signals/flashing beacons at intersections throughout Washtenaw County. If a signal is flashing, off, damaged, or a red bulb is out, please call WCRC immediately at (734) 761-1500. For more about traffic signals, visit our FAQ.

To make a request for a new traffic signal, please click here to submit a request or use the WCRC Fix It App (available for Apple or Android devices).

Traffic Sign Repairs

WCRC is responsible for installing, repairing, and maintaining approximately 30,000 traffic control signs throughout the county. If you are reporting a stop, stop ahead, or railroad sign that has been knocked down or is missing, please notify WCRC immediately at 734-761-1500. For more about traffic signs, visit our FAQ.

To make a request for a new traffic sign, please click here to submit a request or use the WCRC Fix It App (available for Apple or Android devices).

Roadside Tree Removal/Maintenance

WCRC only removes trees located within the road right-of-way, typically 33-feet from the center line of the road. If the tree is in the road right-of-way, citizens can obtain a free permit from WCRC and remove the tree themselvesPlease visit our Right-of-Way Permits Page for more information.

Due to a high volume of requests for tree removal and limited resources, WCRC may place your request on a removal list, but it may take several months or more to complete the request.

Roadside Brush & Vegetation Removal

WCRC only removes brush and vegetation that is located within the road right-of-way, typically 33-feet from the center line of the road. Clearing vegetation from driveways and private roads is outside WCRC’s jurisdiction and is the responsibility of the property owner.

WCRC uses both mechanical brush mowing and grass mowing to maintain roadside brush within the road right-of-way. Click here to read more about this program.

Roadside Drainage Issues

WCRC will investigate and correct roadside drainage issues that are located within the road right-of-way, typically 33-feet from the center line of the road.


Unfortunately, WCRC doesn’t have the resources to pick up litter or trash located off the road but still in the road right-of-way. If you are reporting litter or trash in a roadway that poses an immediate danger, please call us immediately at (734) 761-1500.

If you are interested in adopting a section of county road, click here to learn more. 

Guardrail Repairs

When guardrail deteriorates or is struck by a vehicle and damaged, WCRC will repair or replace the guardrail.


WCRC will investigate and correct roadway flooding issues. The cause and extent of flooding will determine WCRC’s response.  Sometimes crews can remove the obstruction and flooding will recede, other times WCRC must close the road, place warning signs and wait for flooding to recede itself. If there is water over the road, please call WCRC immediately at (734) 761-1500.

Pavement Markings

WCRC is responsible for maintaining approximately 2,000 miles of pavement markings, including several legends and symbols. When pavement markings wear down, WCRC will repaint/reapply markings. If you are requesting a change in pavement markings, such as changing lines in the road from dashed to solid, please contact WCRC directly at (734) 761-1500.

Street Sweeping

WCRC contracts with a third party to conduct street sweeping on all paved, curbed public roads twice a year. The first sweeping takes place in the late-spring and the second takes place in the early-fall.

Report an Issue:

How to Report an Issue using WCRC Fix It:

  1. Drag the map marker to the location of your issue, or type in the address directly.
  2. Click Confirm Location.
  3. Choose a service request Category from the drop-down menu that matches your issue.
  4. Upload a photo to help explain your request (optional)
  5. Complete the requested information to help us better understand your request. Please include as many details as possible.
  6. Click Confirm Details. You may need to scroll down to see the orange Confirm Details button.
  7. Decide how you would like to submit the request – submit as yourself with your existing SeeClickFix account or create an account; hide your identity; or submit as a guest.
  8. Click Next to submit your request. To see previously submitted requests, click on the three small dots to the right of the portal. 

The WCRC Fix It app is available on the following platforms: