The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) is excited to announce an additional project tentatively planned during the 2018/2019 construction season on Zeeb Road in Lodi Township.
What will the improvement look like? WCRC is planning to pave Zeeb Road between Ellsworth Road and Waters Road in Lodi Township (Phase 1). The long range plan is to continue paving Zeeb Road south to Pleasant Lake Road in subsequent years (Phase 2).
Why now? In 2015, state lawmakers approved an increase in road funding that went into effect on January 1, 2017. In addition, the residents of Washtenaw County passed a four-year road millage in 2016. This means county road commissions have additional funding to improve primary roads. Zeeb Road is one of a handful of unpaved primary roads remaining in the county and one of the most heavily used.
How long will the project take to build? It is estimated Phase 1 will take 3 months to pave, weather dependent. During this time, Zeeb Road will be closed to roadway users who do not live or own property in the project limits and a detour will be posted. The contractor will provide access to residents and property owners internal to the project limits during construction.
When will construction begin? Construction is tentatively expected to begin in late 2018 or early 2019. Preliminary work like tree removal and utility relocation will begin in February of 2018.
How can I get more information? WCRC will hold a public information meeting for interested stakeholders once preliminary plans are developed. WCRC will post construction updates online at and on its Facebook and Twitter pages. Interested residents can sign-up for weekly road work updates at
For specific questions on this project, contact Mark McCulloch, Project Manager, [email protected] or (734) 327.6679.