Location of roadwork:
N. Territorial Rd between Webster Church Rd and Hellner Rd & Whitmore Lake Rd and the Gas Station entrance
Northfield, Webster
When is the work being done:
Description of work:
Mill & Resurfacing
Impact on Traffic:
Lane Restrictions and Flagging Operation
Funding Source(s):
Federal, Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF)
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Thank you for subscribing to receive email updates about the N. Territorial Rd Resurfacing in Northfield and Webster Township. We opened the road on October 8, 2024.
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P.S. This will be the last email update about this project. If you would like to subscribe to receive other road advisories from us, for example, road closure alerts for Northfield or Webster Township, click here to update your email preferences.
The contractor for the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) is nearly finished placing the pavement markings and aggregate shoulders on N. Territorial Rd between Webster Church Rd and US-23 in Northfield and Webster Townships. The contractor laid one layer of hot mix asphalt along N. Territorial Rd, this week.
WCRC will continue to send out updates as the project progresses. Have questions? Contact Mike Bernbeck, Project Manager – Design & Construction, (734) 327-6654, or via email at [email protected].
WHEN: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
WHERE: N. Territorial Rd between Webster Church Rd and US-23 in Northfield and Webster Townships
WHY: Road resurfacing
BACKGROUND: On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will begin a resurfacing project on N. Territorial Rd between Webster Church Rd and US-23 in Northfield and Webster Townships.
The road will not be closed to traffic, but delays are likely due to daily lane closures. WCRC encourages motorists, emergency services and others to use an alternate route.
The road improvements are expected to take approximately two weeks. However, all dates are tentative and subject to change due to weather conditions.
CONTACT: If you have any questions concerning this work, please contact Mike Bernbeck, Project Manager – Design & Construction, (734) 327-6654, or via email at [email protected]
ISSUE DATE: 09/28/24
PROJECT: 2024 County-wide Resurfacing Program
WHEN: Thursday, April 4, 2024, at 11 a.m.
WHERE: Online: https://bit.ly/wcrcprojectmeeting
By Touchtone Phone: (929) 205-6099, Meeting ID: 879 2332 8754
WHY: The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will hold a virtual project information meeting regarding the planned County-wide Resurfacing Program taking place during the 2024 construction season.
During construction, traffic will be maintained under lane restrictions and flagging operations. During specific construction activities, the road may be closed, and a detour will be posted. WCRC estimates it will take approximately two/three weeks, on average, to complete each project, weather pending.
The virtual public meeting will be held via Zoom Thursday, April 4, 2024, at 11 a.m. There will be a brief presentation followed by time for questions from the audience. A recording of the meeting will be posted to the project web page after the meeting.
Click here to learn more about joining the virtual meeting.
CONTACT: If you have any questions concerning this project, please contact Mike Bernbeck, Project Manager, at (734) 327-6654, or via email at [email protected].
WCRC will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes or printed material being presented at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities upon a 5-business day notice. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact Tiffany Oliphant, communications manager, by phone (734) 327-6646 or by email [email protected].
ISSUE DATE: 03/19/24
The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) is announcing plans to invest $6.7 million to improve approximately 20 lane miles of pavement throughout Washtenaw County during the 2024 construction season. Cadillac Asphalt was awarded the contract. The projects are funded through the 2021-2024 Four-year County-wide Roads and Non-Motorized Millage, federal funds and Michigan Transportation Funds (MTF).
“Most of these investments are made possible by Washtenaw County residents who travel on these roads every day. As stewards of these precious dollars, WCRC is committed to ensuring these resources are reinvested into communities, in which it came from,” said Mike Bernbeck, WCRC Project Manager.
Construction will begin mid-April and will end during the fall of 2024, weather pending. Listed below are the project locations with a link to their project web page, funding cost and traffic impacts:
Motorists will experience road closures with detours, lane restrictions, and flagging operations. WCRC will maintain access for residents who live or work within the project limits during construction.
WCRC will host a virtual public information meeting regarding the County-wide Resurfacing projects in Spring 2024. WCRC will post project updates online at wcroads.org. Residents can subscribe to road work advisories and project updates here.
For specific questions on this project, contact Mike Bernbeck, Project Manager, (734) 327-6654 or [email protected].
Pictured is a map of our 2024 County-wide Resurfacing Program.