Location of roadwork:
Joy Rd between Whitmore Lake Rd and Earhart Rd
Ann Arbor, Northfield
When is the work being done:
Description of work:
Limestone Resurfacing
Impact on Traffic:
Daytime Road Closure
Funding Source(s):
Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF), Township
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Thank you for subscribing to receive email updates about the Joy Rd Unpaved Rd Improvements in Ann Arbor Township and Northfield Township. We opened the road in April 2024, after spreading new limestone, and completing the necessary forestry and drainage operations.
We are always seeking ways to improve our communications and we need your feedback. Please complete this short survey and let us know how we did communicating about this project. Click here for the survey.
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P.S. This will be the last email update about this project. If you would like to subscribe to receive other road advisories from us, for example, road closure alerts for Ann Arbor Township or Northfield Township, click here to update your email preferences.
Our Unpaved Road Improvement project on Joy Rd between Whitmore Lake Rd and Earhart Rd in Ann Arbor & Northfield Townships is moving along.
Last week, our crews were able to complete the necessary drainage and forestry operations. This week, our crews will begin spreading new limestone throughout the project limits. During the limestone spreading, Joy Rd will continue to be closed during daytime hours to through traffic. Access will continue to be maintained for residents who work or live within the project limits, but please be aware of the limestone piles and potential equipment in the roadway.
Have questions about the project? Contact Kenneth Harris, Superintendent of Maintenance, at (734) 327-6696 or via email at [email protected].
Our unpaved road improvement project on Joy Rd between Whitmore Lake Rd and Earhart Rd in Ann Arbor & Northfield Townships is going well!
Over the past few weeks, our crews were able to replace four culverts and perform forestry operations and drainage improvements throughout the project limits. These operations will continue for the next few weeks. The final step is performing the stone haul. Hauling and spreading the new limestone will occur during the month of April. During the stone haul, Joy Rd will continue to stay closed during daytime hours while our crews resurface the roadway. Access will continue to be maintained for emergency services, school buses and any residents who live or work within the project limits.
The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will continue to send out updates as the project progresses. Have questions about the project? Contact Ken Harris, Superintendent of Maintenance, at (734) 327-6696, or via email at [email protected].
During the 2024 construction season, the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) plans to implement unpaved road improvements on Joy Rd between Whitmore Lake Rd and Earhart Rd in Ann Arbor & Northfield Townships. During these improvements, Joy Rd will be closed during daytime hours. Access will be maintained for emergency services, school buses, and any residents who live or work within the project limits.
Thank you to those who were able to attend our virtual public information meeting on Friday, March 15, 2024. If you weren’t able to join us, click here to watch the meeting recording or check out the slide show. Next week, WCRC crews will begin canopy trimming and drainage work on Joy Rd in Ann Arbor & Northfield Townships. WCRC will send out updates as the project progresses.
Questions about the project? Contact Ken Harris, Superintendent of Maintenance, at (734) 327-6696, or via email at [email protected].
PROJECT: Joy Rd Improvement Project
WHEN: Friday, March 15, 2024, at 11 a.m.
WHERE: Online: https://bit.ly/wcrcprojectmeeting
By Touchtone Phone: (929) 205-6099, Meeting ID: 879 2332 8754
WHY: The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will hold a virtual project information meeting regarding the planned unpaved road improvements on Joy Rd between Whitmore Lake Rd and Earhart Rd in Ann Arbor & Northfield Townships.
During construction, Joy Rd will be closed during daytime hours. The closure is expected to be in place for approximately 6 weeks nonconsecutively, pending weather conditions.
The virtual public meeting will be held via Zoom on Friday, March 15, 2024, at 11 a.m. There will be a brief presentation followed by time for questions from the audience. A recording of the meeting will be posted to the project web page after the meeting.
Click here to learn more about joining the virtual meeting.
CONTACT: If you have any questions concerning this project, please contact Kenneth H. Harris, Superintendent of Maintenance, (734) 327-6696, or via email at [email protected].
WCRC will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes or printed material being presented at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities upon a 5-business day notice. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact Tiffany Oliphant, communications manager, by phone (734) 327-6646 or by email [email protected].
ISSUE DATE: 03/11/24
The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) plans to improve the unpaved portion of Joy Rd between Whitmore Lake Rd and Earhart Rd in Ann Arbor & Northfield Townships.
In preparation for the limestone resurfacing project, WCRC crews will begin forestry work and drainage improvements in Spring 2024. The estimated cost of the three-mile project is $600,000, thanks to the Four-Year Roads and Non-Motorized Millage, renewed by Washtenaw County voters in 2020.
“Local road projects of this magnitude take funding and partnerships,” says Kenneth Harris, WCRC Superintendent of Maintenance. “These long-awaited improvements will have lasting impacts for the traveling public.”
During the unpaved road improvement project, drivers can expect daytime road closures, lane closures and/or lane restrictions. Completion of the project will be contingent upon the weather. WCRC crews will perform all the road improvements.
WCRC will alert the public with construction updates on the WCRC website, Facebook, and Twitter pages. Sign up for WCRC project updates: wcroads.org/residents/subscribe-to-road-updates/
For specific questions regarding this project, please contact Kenneth Harris, Superintendent of Maintenance, at (734) 327-6696, or via email at [email protected].