Things are really taking shape on the US-12 and M-17 Improvement Project in Ypsilanti Township. Paving of the median crossovers and road shoulders is well underway and will continue this week. The contractor will start pouring concrete for sidewalks soon. Prep work for the traffic and pedestrian signals continues as well. The contractor has also started some of the surface restoration, including planting grass seed under straw blankets.
We are still on track to have most of the work wrapped up by the end of October as long as the weather continues to cooperate.
Please slow down when going through any work zone. Click here for the detour map. We expect a few more weeks of the current traffic pattern before traffic will be shifted into a new configuration for the final stages of construction.
Questions about this project? Contact Thomas Bachmayer, OHM project engineer, (734) 466-4422, [email protected].