Our resurfacing project on Carpenter Rd between Textile Rd and Ellsworth Rd in Pittsfield Township is progressing.
Over the past week, the contractor was able to mill and pave the first layer of asphalt the outside travel lanes. Currently, the contractor is working to mill the inside travel lanes and hopes to begin paving the first layer of asphalt in the inside travel lanes by the end of this week. This work will result in a traffic shift to the outside lanes.
Access will be maintained for residents and property owners who live, rent, or own property within the project limits during construction. Please be mindful of construction when making left turns in the work zone. Once this first layer of paving is complete, the contractor shall follow the same sequence by paving second layer on the outside lanes first, then later the inside lanes.
The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will continue to send out updates as the project progresses. Have questions? Contact James Hui, project manager, at (734) 327-6660, or via email at [email protected].