Construction is moving along on the N. Territorial Rd & Dexter Town Hall Rd Safety Improvement project in Dexter Township.
Last week, the contractor was able to remove the existing pavement throughout the project limits. This week, excavation for the hill cut on N. Territorial Rd and installation of the storm sewer began. The contractor anticipates finishing the storm sewers and the earthwork by the end of next week. However, all dates are tentative and subject to changed based on weather conditions and contractor scheduling.
As a reminder, the intersection of N. Territorial Rd & Dexter Town Hall Rd remains CLOSED to all traffic for the safety of our crews and the public. Access is ONLY maintained for residents who live or work within the closure limits. The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will continue to send out updates as the project progresses.
Have questions? Reach out to James Hui, Project Manager, at (734) 327-6660, or via email at [email protected].
Pictured is the earthwork taking place at the intersection of N. Territorial Rd & Dexter Town Hall Rd in Dexter Township.