We’re getting ready to pave on our Hogback Rd asphalt resurfacing project taking place between M-17 and Clark Rd in Pittsfield Township!
Since the last update, the contractor for the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) has completed pulverizing (crushing) the road. While inclement weather has delayed operations for today (August 5th), the contractor plans to pave the leveling course (first layer of asphalt) and the wearing course (top layer of asphalt) later this week. After paving is finished, aggregate (stone) shoulders and permanent pavement markings will be placed.
As a reminder, the road remains closed to all through traffic. WCRC will send out updates as the project progresses. Have any questions about the project? Contact Mike Bernbeck, Project Manager – Design & Construction, at (734) 327-6654, or via email at [email protected].