Our resurfacing project on Dixboro Rd between Plymouth Rd and M-14 in Ann Arbor & Superior Townships is making great progress.
On June 17, the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) closed the roadway to begin pulverizing the exiting road surface. Once the existing road surface was crushed and shaped, the contractor was able to place the leveling course (first layer) of asphalt throughout the project limits. Currently, the contractor is working to pave the wearing course (top layer) of asphalt and expects to complete paving within the next few days, permitting weather conditions. Once paving is finished, the next step is placing aggregate (stone) shoulders and pavement markings.
WCRC will send out updates as the project progresses. Have questions about the project? Contact Mike Bernbeck, Project Manager – Design & Construction, at (734) 327-6654, or via email at [email protected].