Thank you for subscribing to receive email updates about the N. Territorial Rd Resurfacing in Northfield and Webster Township. We opened the road on October 8, 2024. We are always…
Thank you for subscribing to receive email updates about the Hogback Rd Resurfacing in Pittsfield Township. We opened the road on August 10, 2024. We are always seeking ways to…
Thank you for subscribing to receive email updates about the Joy Rd Unpaved Rd Improvements in Ann Arbor Township and Northfield Township. We opened the road in April 2024, after…
Thank you for subscribing to receive email updates about the Sharon Hollow Rd Resurfacing in Manchester Township and Sharon Township. We opened the road on the week of May 14,…
Thank you for subscribing to receive email updates about the Waterloo Rd Resurfacing in Lyndon Township. We opened the road on September 20, 2024 and placed the aggregate (stone) shoulders…