Construction is expected to resume on the D-3 section of the Border-to-Border (B2B) pathway along the Huron River in Scio Township, Spring 2023!
A contractor for Washtenaw County Roads Commission will continue to work on the retaining wall structures and begin constructing the bridge over the Huron River. However, due to the time required for fabrication and coordination with the railroad company, the bridge erection schedule is undetermined.
During the 2022 construction season, our contractor graded the projected path, installed drainage structures, and began construction on two retaining walls.
Motorists will begin to see construction signs at this location Spring of 2023. WCRC will send out a notice to inform the public of potential impacts.
Questions? Contact Michele Ford, project manager, (734) 327-6652, or via email at [email protected]
Pictured above is the graded pathway of the D3 section of the Border-to-border trail in Scio Township!
This project represents a partnership between the Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission, the Huron Clinton Metroparks and the Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative. WCRC is involved to administer a federal Transportation Alternative Program grant that is helping to fund this project.