Sept 1: Better Know Your Benefits – Healthcare

Good afternoon,

With Labor Day coming up this weekend, fall is practically on our doorstep. One really important part of fall is our Open Enrollment which is typically held in mid-October. Over the next few months, leading up to Open Enrollment, we will be sharing additional information about your benefits. Today’s message is all about how your health insurance plan works. Hopefully, this will help you make a more informed decision on which plan is best for you and your family.

Health insurance helps you pay for doctors, hospitals, medications and more if you get sick or have an accident. It also helps you pay for preventive care, like yearly checkups, vaccinations and wellness programs, so you’re less likely to become ill.

Every month there is a premium payment for your health insurance. Currently, WCRC pays roughly 98% of the premium for the PPO 4 plan and 94% for the PPO 7 plan. You pay for the remaining balance of this premium through bi-weekly payroll deductions. Under state law, public employers are capped in the amount that they can pay toward an employee’s health insurance. So, each year, we work hard to find the best health insurance that we can and that also minimizes the amount employees have to contribute.

In addition to your employee contribution to the premium, you pay other costs associated with your health care, including a deductible, copayment and coinsurance. Click here to check out a video for more detailed information on how your health insurance plan works. You can also view Benefits-At-Glance for the specific cost sharing details of your plan in Employee Central: Click here for PPO 4/ Click here for PPO 7.

If you have questions about your health insurance or any other benefits, please contact Alicia or Nicole. We will continue to share more information about different benefits as we get closer to Open Enrollment.

I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Take care and stay safe,


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