October 20: Paint A Plow, Working Session & Board Meeting

Good morning,  

As October slips by, our crews continue to accomplish much needed projects and prep for the winter season. This past week, District 2 and State Trunkline crews performed dry run preparations. Our Heavy Equipment crew took advantage of the N. Territorial Rd closure to perform some forestry work, and a handful of painted plows were picked up (take a look at the pictures below). We have one more plow to pick up next week and that will be it for our 2023 Paint-A-Plow program! Thank you to everyone who participated in making this a great event this year. 

On the engineering side, resurfacing projects were completed in the Creekside West and Green Farms subdivisions while resurfacing just began in the Parkside subdivision, all in Ypsilanti Township. Textile Rd received its first application of pavement markings; however, we are still waiting on the contractor for a second application and aggregate shoulder placement.  

In the working session this week, Tiffany O. provided the board with a communications update outlining the hard work our communications team performs for the organization. She also shared a few of the future projects the team is preparing, especially in the area of social media. In the board meeting, the commissioners approved bids for many of our materials such as aggregates, brine and snow and ice abrasives as well as the MDOT contract for the N. Territorial Rd and Dexter Town Hall Rd safety project. So, while we are preparing for this coming winter, we are also setting ourselves up for a busy 2024 season too.   

Finally, I hope everyone enjoyed our spirit day today. May the best team win tomorrow!  

Take care & stay safe. And GO BLUE! 
