November 6, 2020
Good Afternoon,
It has been a long week and I think we are all looking forward to the weekend.
Unfortunately, the COVID numbers in Michigan and Washtenaw County are heading in the wrong direction. In response, the state is preparing to further tighten workplace restrictions. I’m not sure what this will mean for us, we expect more direction next week.
Due to further refinement from the CDC and MDHHS, we are also updating our face mask protocol. Soon gaiters, along with bandanas and face shields, will no longer meet the definition of a face mask. We have ordered new masks that will be available to employees before our updated protocol goes into effect.
I know this is not what you want to hear. The good news is that we collectively know a lot more about this virus than we did this spring. We know that wearing masks, practicing social distancing and proper hygiene work to prevent spread. Please keep it up to protect yourself and your co-workers.
On a happier note, Mother Nature is clearly confused, giving us a November weekend full of sunshine and 70-degree weather. I hope you get out to enjoy it.
As always, thank you for what you do,
P.S. We are trying out a new layout for my weekly message. Click here to see the full update. If you like what you see or have ideas of photos or stories to highlight each week, please let me know.