November 23: Updates to Leave Options

Good Afternoon,

I hope you had a nice weekend. As we near the end of 2020, a couple of people have asked us about our temporary annual leave policies.

As you may remember, in March, we temporarily started allowing employees to borrow against future annual leave for COVID-19 purposes or carry over more than 240 hours, if needed. These temporary policies were set to expire on December 31, 2020. Considering the current trajectory of the virus, we have decided to extend these temporary policies until March 31, 2021.

Here’s a summary of the leave options available to you, if needed:

Leave Type Summary Expiration Date
Families First Coronavirus Response Act – Paid Sick Leave The federal government created emergency paid sick leave in response to the coronavirus crisis. Per federal law, expires December 31, 2020
FMLA – Special Coronavirus Provisions The federal government passed an expansion of FMLA with special provisions for the coronavirus crisis. Per federal law, expires December 31, 2020
WCRC Annual Leave – Borrow Against Future Leave You can borrow up to 40 hours to be paid back at your next annual leave distribution date for COVID-19 purposes. Now expires on March 31, 2021
WCRC Annual Leave – Carry-over more than 240 hours If you are in a “use it or lose it” situation, you can request to carry-over more than 240 hours. Now expires on March 31, 2021
Unpaid Leave Requires approval by your supervisor and managing director. n/a

If you need to request any of these special leave categories, please reach out to Nicole Peterson, HR Manager, (734) 255-0818.

We have updated our Preparedness and Response Plan to reflect these changes and changes to remote work protocol, as mandated last week by the state’s “Pause” pandemic order. Click here for the updated version.

Please let me or Nicole know if you have any questions.

Thank you,
