Good morning,
It’s been a hot week, but it hasn’t slowed down our operations crews! Thanks to the good weather, our crews were able to complete a good chunk of our fog seal operations. Just a few more to go and we will be done for the 2023 season!
Another project to celebrate is the anticipated completion of Michigan Ave by the end of this week. While ultimately a good and much needed project, the recent excessive delays by the contractor have been frustrating for all. We look forward to having this heavily traveled road back open and smooth riding.
During our board working session, Dan Ackerman gave us a presentation about the 2023 Q2 budget. In short, the presentation outlined that our township revenue increased by 4.5 million to help build a robust Local Road Program, and both Ann Arbor and York townships were able to contribute additional funds. Ann Arbor Township is running a special assessment district to pay for improvements to Dhu Varren Rd and Dhu Varren Ct and York Township is splitting the costs with us for the Mooreville Rd resurfacing project. We also were able to add in a culvert replacement project on Prospect Rd in Superior Township. Additionally, due to the recent increased cost of trucks, we reduced our number of heavy truck purchases from 11 to 8. Overall, the presentation emphasized that WCRC is projecting a healthy fund balance of $14.1 million which is exactly where we should be.
Remember the Ann Arbor Art Fair is this weekend! I hope you all get to enjoy the beautiful weather whatever it is you decide to do.
Stay safe & take care