Good evening,
Once again, we have had a busy week whether it’s working on local road projects on our paved and unpaved roads, installing the Parker Rd culvert or continuing roundabout construction at Bemis Rd/Whittaker Rd. We have accomplished a lot of local road work this year in a cost-effective manner and now have multiple townships asking for additional estimates to spend the rest of their road budget. Good job, everyone!
On a different note, we hosted the County Road Association (CRA) Southeast Council meeting earlier this week. This is a group of surrounding county road agencies that meets so we can share our experiences and better understand current best practices, new ideas and what’s taking place at the state level. Overall, we learned that equipment delays are common, other agencies are struggling with new MDOT environmental requirements which are also holding up our projects, and we all are looking for hardworking, qualified people to work at our organizations. While we are clearly leading on many fronts, it is reassuring to know that most of our struggles are common, and we have support from our peers.
I would also like to share that the Board is moving forward with its search for a new managing director. They accepted applications last month and now have interviews scheduled next week. It is their intention to make a decision soon. While we all know this is a big change for our organization, they hope to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Finally, while we are in the dog days of summer, we are also preparing for the upcoming fall and winter seasons. Most importantly, we scheduled our Employee Appreciation Breakfast (aka Pancake Breakfast) for Thursday, November 9 at the Washtenaw County Farm Council Grounds. Stay tuned for more information as the date approaches.
It looks like we are heading into a hot weekend! I hope you all find some way to stay cool.
Take care & stay safe,