April 18: Construction Projects, Working Session & Board Meeting

Good afternoon,  

It’s been a busy week for the entire organization! Monday, the N. Territorial Rd and Webster Church Rd intersection in Webster Township, and the Miller Rd and Zeeb Rd intersection in Scio Township, were closed for construction projects. Our operations crews have continued to perform prep work for the long list of resurfacing projects that we will be taking place throughout the county. Additionally, culverts were replaced on N. Earhart Pl in Ann Arbor Township, on Austin Rd in Manchester Township, and on Parker Rd in Lima & Scio Townships.  

During the working session this week, the Plante Moran team provided the board with an overview of 2023 Audit Findings. Dan Ackerman presented an overview of the 2024 first quarter budget to the board. Overall, our organization’s financial standing and fund balance are healthy, and we have projected year-end fund balance of $18.4 million, or 19% of expenditures. Thank you to all involved with the first quarter budget review!  

During the board meeting, township agreements were approved for Pittsfield and Sylvan Townships, as well as a culvert replacements for Augusta and Saline Townships. Lastly, staff and the board congratulated David Cavanaugh, D6 Heavy Truck Driver, on his retirement and 29 years of service with WCRC. His dedication to our organization and service to the public is greatly appreciated.  

I am excited to see all of you at the Spring Training event on Monday, April 22! Please check in at the Morris J. Lawrence Building at Washtenaw Community College, 4800 E Huron River Dr, Ann Arbor MI, 48105. Staff is expected to show up for their shift at their original start time and check into the event from 6:30 –7 a.m. with a hot breakfast provided.  

Have a great weekend,  
