Residents frequently express their concerns to WCRC regarding traffic issues in residential areas. To help process these concerns, WCRC has developed the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) which creates a partnership between residents, WCRC and local law enforcement.


The NTMP can only apply to public residential subdivision streets which have a speed limit of 25 mph.


The NTMP has a proscribed process (see below for a summary) for interested residents/neighborhoods to follow:

  1. Resident submits a request to WCRC. Click here to submit a request or use the WCRC Fix It App (available for Apple or Android devices).
  2. WCRC will provide copies of the NTMP policy/procedure and detailed instructions to the requestor (via email)
  3. Resident will be asked to conduct a preliminary petition of interest.
  4. If the petition of interest is successful, WCRC will conduct a preliminary traffic study and make mitigation recommendations based on the findings.
  5. If the area qualifies based on the study and wants to pursue the recommended mitigations, the resident(s) will be asked to circulate a petition of support.
  6. If the petition of support is successful, WCRC will work with residents and the township to identify funding.
  7. If funding is determined and both WCRC and the township board approve the plan, the recommended traffic calming devices will be installed.


Funding for physical traffic calming devices will be provided through an agreement with the township in which the road is located. The township may require that the affected neighborhood pay part or all of the cost of the improvements.

Questions? Contact (734) 761-1500.